The Opportunity

The Ophthalmic drug industry grosses over $1.8 billion Canadian annually and is the fastest growing segment of the Canadian pharmaceutical industry. Genix's plan in the future is to research ocular herbal products and acquire an additional 70-100 ophthalmic drug products over the next 3 years. 

Positioned For Growth

  • Increasing incidence of eye diseases among all ages.
  • Ophthalmic drugs patent cliff of $3B in next five years providing a significant growth opportunity for generic versions.
  • Canadian ophthalmic segment has a 32.6% annual growth rate.
  • Acquiring additional 70-100 ophthalmic drug products over the next 3 years.

Competitive Advantage

  • Global market opportunity for generic ophthalmics exports
  • Only four drug companies controlling the Canadian ophthalmics market
  • Canadian ophthalmic drugs among the highest priced in the world
  • Ophthalmic drugs have accelerated registration approvals as they do not require BA/BE studies to be done

Positioned For Growth

  • Increasing incidence of eye diseases among all ages.
  • Ophthalmic drugs patent cliff of $3B in next five years providing a significant growth opportunity for generic versions.
  • Canadian ophthalmic segment has a 32.6% annual growth rate.
  • Acquiring additional 70-100 ophthalmic drug products over the next 3 years.

Competitive Advantage

  • Global market opportunity for generic ophthalmics exports
  • Only four drug companies controlling the Canadian ophthalmics market
  • Canadian ophthalmic drugs among the highest priced in the world
  • Ophthalmic drugs have accelerated registration approvals as they do not require BA/BE studies to be done

Market Overview

Share Structure


Issued & Outstanding


Fully diluted common shares


Warrants & Options

Corporate Governance And Compensation Committee Charter


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Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sun: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm



Suite 300, 1055 West Hastings St, Vancouver, BC, V6E 1J8

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